Atlantica Law Group
Barristers and Solicitors

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Title Insurance

For most people, purchasing or selling a home is the largest single investment they will make. Selecting the right real estate lawyer can make a major difference in the protection of your investment. We recommend you consider the following when choosing a lawyer. Ask your realtor / banker / mortgage specialist for the names of three different real estate lawyers. Call each lawyer to ensure that they have proper legal support staff to service your needs and ask about the benefits of title insurance.

Title Insurance can greatly reduce potential risks associated with the purchase of a home and eliminate the need for an up-to-date-survey. It is in your best interest to familiarize yourself with the benefits of obtaining title insurance.

Title insurance covers:

  • Liens, encumbrances, or defects in title
  • Forced removal of existing structure (other than a boundary wall or fence)
  • Unmarketable land
  • Fraud, forgery, duress, incompetence, incapacity or impersonation
  • Tax and utility arrears (other than final meter readings)
  • Building of a structure on your land after policy date (other than a wall or fence)
  • interest claims on the property
  • Unregistered easements and right of way
  • Defects that would have been revealed by an up-to-date survey
  • Lack of a building permit for additions
  • Work order, zoning, and set back non-compliance / defense
  • no pedestrian / vehicular access to land
  • Forgery after the policy date of an instrument claiming an interest in or lien on your title